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Version: 7.2.0

Project Configuration (project.json)

Project.json includes your application and workspace configuration, which is located under the config folder of your project.


Info section allows you to change the meta information of your application.

"info": {
"name": "Smartface Demo",
"company": "Smartface User",
"webSite": "",
"version": "1.0.0",
"runtimeVersion": "1059",
"description": ""


You can set project configuration for Cache Size, Orientation and Debug Logging

"config": {
"cache": {
"size": 50
"debug": {
"logs": false
"orientation": {
"portrait": true,
"upsideDown": false,
"landScapeLeft": false,
"landScapeRight": false


You can set API keys for Facebook, Twitter, and Google services.

"api": {
"facebook": {
"appUID": "",
"appSecret": ""
"twitter": {
"consumerKey": "",
"consumerSecret": ""
"googleMaps": {
"androidKey": "01u81e3cP5lidl1HRJ55hoBH0N5_Kmlvku4EIYg",
"iosKey": ""
"adMob": {
"publisherId": ""
"googleCloudMessaging": {
"senderID": ""
"googlePlayServices": {
"inAppPurchaseProductKey": ""


In this section, you can set project paths for scripts, images, and assets. Also you can enable/disable plugins and set output file directories for local binaries.

Please note: Only plugins developed by Smartface will be delivered in the on-device emulators. Custom plugins will not work during the testing with the on-device emulator. They will only work only in published apps or you can contact the Smartface Team for custom emulators.

"build": {
"input": {
"ios": {
"scripts": "scripts",
"images": "images/iOS",
"assets": "assets",
"infoPlist": "config/iOS/Info.plist",
"urlIdentifier": "",
"urlSchemes": "",
"plugins": {
"facebookios": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/iOS/",
"active": false
"googleanalyticsplugin-ios": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/iOS/",
"active": false
"admob-ios": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/iOS/",
"active": true
"codereaderios": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/iOS/",
"active": false
"android": {
"scripts": "scripts",
"images": "images/Android",
"assets": "assets",
"manifest": "config/Android/AndroidManifest.xml",
"packageProfiles": "config/Android/PackageProfiles.xml",
"sign": {
"keystoreFile": "config/Android/smfdefault.keystore",
"keystorePass": "smartface",
"aliasName": "smartface",
"keyPass": "smartface"
"plugins": {
"facebook": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/Android/",
"active": false
"googleanalytics": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/Android/",
"active": false
"smfimagecode": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/Android/",
"active": false
"smfparse": {
"url": "",
"path": "plugins/Android/",
"active": false
"keys": {
"project3DesKey": "",
"projectEncryptedKey": ""
"output": {
"ios": {
"outputFolder": "output/iOS",
"bundleIdentifier": "io.smartface.demo"
"android": {
"outputFolder": "output/Android",
"packageName": "io.smartface.demo"
"tempFolder": "output/.tmp"